
Showing posts from May, 2017

Maths Reflection

Reflection: It was hard for the last one but it was fine for the 1st and 2nd one.

The Time my Phone was Lost

It was the morning at 7:50, I lost my phone, I first started ringing my phone then I tried to find it. I check my desk, it was not there. I started walking into the bedrooms to look for it, My Dad told me "Check the desk again". I checked my desk again, It was still not there. I checked the location of my phone on my iMac, It said it was at my Dad's Office! I used the toolkit: I was literate

The Horrible, Yucky Food - Rahina 29 o Haratua

'Aargh! - What is that terrible smell!? It looked like blocks of tofu. It smelt like rotten, old, oozy gross compost. I crushed it up then there were lots of things bobbing up and down. It was slurping right down my throat. It felt weird, wobbly, slurpy like jelly. I felt the aftertaste. I overheard my Dad say "It's a block of blood". I was in Cambodia.

Making Clocks - Maths

Writing | ANZAC Wordle - Ratu te 16 o Haratua


Kale chip recipe - 15/3/17

Kale chip recipe 1. Pick the kale from the garden 2. Wash the kale so you don’t get sick or get germs. 3. Heat the kale with a electric frying pan so it will be heated up. 4. Boil it with oil 5. Chop it up in shapes of chips. 6. Get potatoes and chop them up. 7. Heat it for 10 minutes. 8. Get the kale and cover it around the potatoes.                                                     BY LUCAS AND JAMES

Writing - Rapare te 11 o Haratua

The nice autumn leaves look red, orange, yellow, green and brown like a mysterious rainbow. Lots of leaves are gliding down to the surface. I think "In some houses, it's probably really cold.". I felt half cold, half warm. I was very happy because of the rainbow, magical leaves. Autumn sounds like birds chirping, leaves scrunching like a tin can and air conditioners vrooming like a car. I feel the sun on my head. It felt nice.

Maths | Rātū te 9 o Haratua

Today I worked on maths. I was working out the question 24*5. I tried doing 24 + 24 + 24 + 24 +24.

ANZAC Writing - Rapare te 4 o Haratua // Thursday 4 May

I was in the trench, I received a letter from home. I was very excited, It said "Hello, I baked an ANZAC cookie for you. We all miss you, Are you still ok? We now have a little baby, She is called devon.". I felt really really sad because I also missed them and I wondered what the baby looks like, Was she small, cute and beautiful? I revealed the ANZAC cookie. I started writing with a fountain pen and ink and wrote while I was eating the cookie "Hello, I miss you too. I really really want to know what the baby looks like, Is she cute? Is she really small? I sent you a rock I found in the trenches.". Half a year has passed. I finally received the letter. The letter said "Hello! The baby looks very cute, very small and very cuddly. I hope you can come back home soon! I am really scared and its sometimes hard to look after the baby. We hope you can come home and survive the war!".