
Showing posts from December, 2017

Buddy Writing

The royal family of three, golden yellow, grey fantails glanced down at the blue, pale yellow baby eagle about to fall off a dark brown branch. The baby eagle shouted "HELP me, please help me!" and started crying louder and louder  "How will we save the eagle? We don't have wings!" thought the three fantails. The baby eagle was clutching on the branch, trying to push himself up to safety. The fantails were holding on to the baby eagles feet. The fantails shouted "We will help you as best as we can!"... 3 fantails tried to shout "Help, help, please! We need to help this beautiful bird up to the branch! He is about the fall on to lots of other branches!". The parents grabbed the eagle and put the eagle on to the branch and they all lived happily ever after!

Myth and Legend

This is Maui, he is very, very cheeky. He has great brown hair, neon green eyes and he has nice, brown skin. Maui also wears a great koru gifted by his great mother. Great Maui likes great amounts of change, he wants everything to change! Changer Maui is insanely curious, but he always ends up getting to great trouble! Maui is brave and confident in himself! Maui likes to do a lot of dangerous things. Maui was casually strolling across the hard, sandy desert. Soon there was a great, huge rumble "What is happening? Save me!". There was a very humongous crack. Maui travelled to the great gods of caves and the great god of Nature, the god of nature controlled the birds, the sea and the land! "Hello Maui, what do you need from us?" questioned the great, powerful gods "What shall I do with a big, great crack I just found?" answered Maui "Hmmm, maybe you can turn the crack in to a great cave," told the gods "I will let you borrow some of my beaut...



HES Toolkit

Photo from Hamilton East School website Engaged: Today we focused during writing so we could get our plan written down. Today we focused at prizegiving for the real prizegiving that is tomorrow. Respectful: We are respectful and kind everywhere and during a game we help others and include other people at morning tea and lunchtime. Literate: We read to someone to use language during daily 5 time. In the playground, we talk with our friends and we use kind words. Curious: We are curious about learning and we wonder during food technology. We wonder in the playground. We also wonder in class time, especially at sketching time! Connected: We are connected to each other in Learning and we are kind in the playground. We are connected by using our blogs and commenting on other blogs.