
Showing posts from September, 2016

St John's First Aid - Wednesday 21 September

W.A.L.T write learning stories about St John's learning. S.C. 5-10 facts Photos/Videos Describle Learning Toolkit Reflection Reflection: We thought it felt weird pushing on manikins because the plastic and rubber feel weird. Toolkit: I am actively involved in a variety of communities  Today we went a St John's program How to save someones life. He taught us that you have to check they are breathing by putting their chin back and also lifting their forehead to and then looking in their airway. Also check for dangers near you.Also you can tap their shoulders and say "Can your hear me?". Also he taught us how to prevent vomit getting into lungs. Also he told us about CPR, you have to push on their body and sing row row row your boat gently down the stream merry merry merry merry life is like a dream 200 times or until the person comes alive, if someone can relive you, a ambulance come or you get to tiered or you have helped them as muc...

Evil ball does a deal! - Stop Motion

Today I finished the stop motion. Here it is!

Stop Motion

I have been making a stop motion. It is about a ball coming to an evil ball and if the evil ball wins the game of chess the ball has to become evil and if the ball wins then the evil ball will have to stop evil. I will upload a video when I am finished. I have used the think tool: 5 w's and 1 h THE MOVIE IS FINISHED:

Science - Monday 12 September

Today/Monday 12 September our class did some science! We found out that if you use cold water it can only disolve about 8 times and if you use hot water it can dissolve 24 times! Here is some media We also made some Oobleck.

Operetta [Practice #2 - Thursday 8 September]

Today is a big day! There is a practice in the hall with our costumes . Here is some photos of people in their costumes. Also we went on chrome books and other stuff for most of the day .  What I have learnt: I have learnt more of chess. Chess is one of the most favorite games

Daily 5 - Read To Self Rahina te 5 o Mahuri

Here is stuff I have found on Wonderopolis for my word collecter: This is what I readed:

Daily 5 - Raapa te 7 o Mahuri


Cartoon Writing - Raapa te 7 Mahuri

Behaviour Learning Goal - Rahina te 6 o Mahuri/Tuesday, 6 September

In my class, we do behaviour learning goals. In a book there are lots of goals we can choose. I picked "I listen actively" so I have to try and complete the goal.

QR codes in the school! - Inquiry

Some people made QR codes in the school. We done it by uploading videos to my drive and then copying the link into a QR generator. Here is the QR codes we made. A couple may not work. Steps:

Chess | Maths

One day I learnt how to play chess. To play you have to capture every piece on the other team. You can also try and check the other team a bunch of times that they get checkmate.