Stop Motion

I have been making a stop motion. It is about a ball coming to an evil ball and if the evil ball wins the game of chess the ball has to become evil and if the ball wins then the evil ball will have to stop evil. I will upload a video when I am finished.

I have used the think tool:


  1. James, it is great to see you eagerly sharing your learning on your blog. I look forward to viewing the final film. There is a Film Festival coming up next term at Southwell School. If you would like to enter and have a great story to tell then let me know about I will tell you all the information about it.

  2. I can't wait to see the stop motion that you are making. We are sure it will be superb, fantastic and exciting. Can you explain what 5W and 1H means to your audience so they know too? We think you have worked hard because this post was interesting to read. From Room 9.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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